Προφίλ Εταιρίας
Εταίροι - Μέλη
Πληροφοριακό Υλικό
Χρήσιμοι Σύνδεσμοι






2-4 November 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece

1st Announcement

EUROCOALASH is an international conference for promoting the use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) in the construction industry in Europe and all over the world. The conference is organized every two years, focusing on topics such as:

-Availability and International Trade under the challenge of decarbonation era
-Advances in environmentally and technically beneficial applications in construction
-Synergy with other additions and newly produced ashes
-Processing for valorization
-Development for regulations for facilitating the market of CCPs

In 2021, the EUROCOALASH will be hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece, organized by the Laboratory of Building Materials of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the European Coal Combustion Products Association. The Conference aims to bring together participants from industry, research and academic backgrounds. 

One day WORKSHOP devoted to recent advances in research and technology on CCPs will be organized during the Conference. Research on novel applications of CCPs are encouraged for publication.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, all necessary adjustments will be made in order to meet health guidelines and possible alternatives have been foreseen. We will endeavor to organize a safe and successful conference, celebrating also the 30-year anniversary of ECOBA.

For more information please visit: www.eurocoalash2021.com